My Story


Lisa Richard

Welcome to Loving Energy Recharge, a name and a brand that was developed as a result of a personal journey to heal myself and undertake the necessary work to dig deep into discovering who I truly am. It has been a process of taking my identity (Lisa Richard) and purposefully recreating my name, taking my initials to express my deepest calling - the calling of a healer.

For as long as I can remember I have been able to feel energy emanating from other people and within my environment. The past 15 years have been a journey of learning to understand what I was feeling on an energetic level, opening my mind to spirituality and recognizing signs from loved ones as they continued to guide and communicate from the other side, along with understanding the laws of attraction and the ability to manifest.

Taking responsibility for my own healing journey and removing the "victim story" lead me down a path to open both my heart and my mind. It has been an amazing and rewarding experience that resulted in a manifestation of moving to beautiful Vancouver Island, and finding the courage to pursue my dream of offering healing services to others on a full time basis.

​In having taken the steps towards healing my past, I am now fully able to live in the present, and let my heart lead the way. I recognize and fully accept the beautiful gift of feeling energy and connecting with spirit, and now apply it as a skill through my work as a Business/Life Coach, Level 3 Reiki Master, Emotion Code Practitioner, Human Design Guide, and Intuitive Guide.

I invite you to explore this site and discover the many tools and supports that may help you along your own journey back towards discovering the true you.

Lots of Love,
​Lisa Richard